Our expertise

linda the caring touch massage therapy bromley

Linda was previously a registered nurse for forty years, working across a variety of fields including A&E, dementia nursing and palliative care.

After several years in a managerial nursing role, she decided to retrain as a complementary therapist. She is now a qualified aromatherapist, reflexologist and massage therapist. She has completed several courses to enhance her knowledge of holistic health and wellbeing, including delivering baby massage, formulating skincare products, facial reflexology and delivering skincare product workshops. Since 2012, she has been a registered member of the U.K. Complementary Therapists Association.

For the last three years, she has been part of the well-being team in a dementia home based in south-east London using touch therapy and aromatherapy to enhance the lives of those living with dementia.

Since she was a teenager, she had always strived to become a nurse, and now in her later years, she’s still fulfilling those teenage dreams of caring for others with a smile.

We can provide individual treatments and therapies in south-east London